Resources for Asian Elephant Conservation

Resources for Asian Elephant Conservation

Other Resources


National Elephant Conservation Action Plan

National Elephant Conservation Action Plan (NECAP) - Lao PDR
By: Department of Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 2022 -32

National Elephant Conservation Action Plan (NECAP) - Peninsular Malaysia
By: Department of Wildlife and National Park, Peninsular Malaysia 2023-2030.

Myanmar Elephant Conservation Plan (MECAP) 2018-2027
By: Nature and Wildlife Conservation Division, Ministry of Nature Resources & Environmental Conservation, Union of Myanmar

Indonesia Elephant Conservation Action plan 2020-23
By: Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Republic of Indonesia

Elephant Action Plan for Nepal 2009-2018
By: Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation, Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, Nepal

Bangladesh Elephant Conservation Action plan
By: Bangladesh Forest Department, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Government of Bangladesh

Gajah: Securing the future for elephants in India
is the report of the Task Force constituted by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India in 2010 to recommend measures to strengthen elephant conservation in India.

Elephant Conservation Action Plan for Bhutan 2018-2028
By: NATURE CONSERVATION DIVISION, Department of Forests and Park Services, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Royal Government of Bhutan.

Asian Elephant Conservation Action plan for Cambodia (2020-2029)
The document is in two languages (Cambodian and English). The English version starts from page 45

Borneo Elephant Action Plan for Sabah (2020-2029)
By: Sabah Wildlife Department, Malaysia

Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants

Members of the Asian Elephant Specialist Group (AsESG) work closely with the CITES Programme for Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants (MIKE).
Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants (MIKE) programme is an international collaboration that keep track of trends in illegal killing of elephants in selected sites across Africa ( 60 sites in 30 Range States) and Asia (28 sites in 13 Range States). MIKE is not in itself an anti-poaching operation to stop the illegal killing of elephants, although the data collected through MIKE provides vital information needed for elephant range States to make appropriate management and enforcement decisions, and to build institutional capacity for the long-term management of their elephant populations.

The following practical manuals and minimum standards documents are available:

MIKE Aerial Survey Standards Version 2 Dung Survey Standards for the MIKE Programme

MIKE Dung Survey Standards. Members of the AsESG have contributed to the production of the Dung Survey Standards for the MIKE Programme, which is the standard ‘how to’ manual for dung-based elephant survey methods including both dung count based and fecal DNA based capture–recapture methods.

Literature on Asian Elephants

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Save the elephants

If you would like to keep up to date with current issues involving elephants reported by the press, or learn of new scientific publications, please subscribe to the free Elephant News Service, an initiative of Save the Elephants.

Elephant Care International (ECI)

The ECI elephant bibliographic database is comprised of over 5000 articles on African and Asian elephants, related primarily to healthcare, science, and husbandry. Ecology and conservation information (especially related to the Asian elephants) is also included. Check the ECI website for more information

Centre for Conservation and Research (CCR)

CCR provides compilations of all relevant scientific publications on Asian elephants since 2008. The papers are sorted by year and author and a direct link to the publishers website is given to read the abstract and download the paper. The same publications are also listed in the abstract sections of each Gajah

An annotated list of references on the biology, ecology, and management of the African Elephant has been developed, initially with funding from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, to facilitate the work of researchers, field staff, and resource managers.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a simple and free search engine specialised to find literature. It lets you conduct searches using a combination of keywords (eg. Asian elephants). You could also log on to Google scholar for literatures on Asian Elephants

African Elephant Library (AEL)

An annotated list of references on the biology, ecology, and management of the African elephant has been developed, to facilitate the work of researchers, field staff, and resource managers. It is also of relevance to Asian elephant conservation and management and is accessible through the AEL website.

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Useful Links to Other Organizations

The following organizations are all concerned with Asian elephant conservation, management, or research and their websites provide further information and resources on elephants.

CITES Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants (MIKE) Programme 


Fauna & Flora International

International Elephant Foundation (IEF)

Save the Elephants

     Save the Elephants  - Publications

Smithsonian / National Zoological Park

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Asian Elephant Program
Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Asian Elephant Conservation Program

WWF AREAS: Asian Rhino and Elephant Action Strategy 

Wildlife Trust of India 


The Asian Elephant Specialist Group (AsESG) is a global network of specialists concerned with the study, monitoring, management, and conservation of Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in its 13 range states