Working Groups

Working Groups

AsESG Working Groups

AsESG Working groups have been formed to look at various aspects of elephant conservation in wild and in captivity
The plans/ guidelines/ protocols developed by the Working Groups include

  1. Sabah Elephant Conservation Action Plan
  2. National Action Plan for elephant conservation in Bhutan
  3. Guidelines for the rehabilitation of captive elephants in the wild as a possible restocking option
  4. Guidelines for the management and care of captive elephants in musth
  5. Guidelines for the welfare and use of elephants in Tourism
  6. Guidelines for creating artificial water holes in elephant habitats

The plans/ guidelines/ protocols of the following Working Groups expected soon

  1. Working Group to arrest the decline of the elephant population of Vietnam
  2. Sumatra Elephant Conservation Action Plan Working Group
  3. Human Elephant Conflict Guidelines Working Group
  4. Working group for mapping the distribution of Asian elephants in range states
  5. Working group on involving AsESG members to strengthen MIKE
  6. Working Group to manage the elephant habitats affected by the settlement of Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh
  7. Working Group on emerging diseases affecting Asia elephants

The Working Groups on AsESG Communications and AsESG Memberships are also working on their respective mandates


The Asian Elephant Specialist Group (AsESG) is a global network of specialists concerned with the study, monitoring, management, and conservation of Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in its 13 range states